We are moving our forms online to a platform called Kuali Build. Any form below that says "online form" instead of PDF behind it will be direct linked to the online form.
Instructions for completing PDF forms:
Note: You can download Acrobat Reader from the Adobe Web site to view PDF documents.
Several of these forms require signatures from your department or academic unit. Read the forms carefully to ensure you have all of the necessary approvals before submitting any document to Registration and Records.
The Registrar's Office now accepts Adobe Digital Signatures. Please review instructions on how to set-up up your Adobe Digital Signature.
Information Change Form for current students (Online Form)
Student Information Change for previous students (PDF)
Add / Drop / Registration (PDF) | Typeable Version (PDF)
Credit by Departmental Examination (PDF)
Credit / No Credit Grade Option (PDF)
Statement of Financial Responsibility (PDF)
Term Withdrawal Survey (requires sign-in)
Undergraduate Course Authorization Form for Graduate Students (PDF)
Verification of Non-Traditional (VNT) Enrollment Request Form (Online Form)
All other requests can be emailed to registrar@nenkin-guide.com.
Declaration of Major - DOM (PDF)
Leave of Absence - Request (Online Form)
Leave of Absence - Return (Online Form)
Leave of Absence - Extension (Online Form)
Authorization for Document Pick-Up for current students (Online Form)
Authorization for Document Pick-Up for previous students (PDF)
FERPA Access to Student Records (PDF)
FERPA Restrict or Release Directory Information (PDF)
Student Reference Request (PDF)
One-time consent to release student information
Academic Amnesty Petition (PDF)
General Education Core Petition (PDF)
Refund Exceptions Petition (requires login)
Request for GPA Adjustment (PDF)
For undergraduate course repeats